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Jl. Inti 3 Bekasi International Industrial Estate Blok C8 No.4-6
Cikarang Selatan, Jawa Barat
(021) 8972390

Exciting Milestone Achieved!


Exciting Milestone Achieved!

Exciting Milestone Achieved!

Sinar Syno Kimia has reached a significant milestone on LinkedIn with 1000 followers!

A heartfelt thank you to every one of you for being a part of our journey. Your continuous support and engagement have been invaluable in helping Sinar Syno Kimia grow and thrive in this digital community.

As Sinar Syno Kimia celebrates this achievement, Sinar Syno Kimia will keep delivering valuable content and updates related to our products, services, and industry insights. Stay tuned for more amazing posts, news, and exciting developments in the future!

Thank you for being a part of Sinar Syno LinkedIn family!

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